PRE-DIVE SAFETY CHECK! B W R A F With our Florida Keys Dive Adventure trip looming in the near future (YAY!), we thought it may be a good time to review our knowledge of safety and diving. Jody will be working with all of you to make sure you all have a buddy to dive with; do advocate for yourself and make sure you have a partner. Plan your dive and dive your plan; Jody and the Captains will outline the dive plan for the group to a large degree, but feel free to ask questions or to clarify anything that is unclear before you enter the water. Do a pre-dive safety check with your buddy; the extra pair of eyes and ears really do help! BWRAF: B - BCD - Check that it's fitting properly, inflates, deflates, low pressure inflator connection is secure, and cylinder is firmly buckled in the band. Most of your entries in Florida will be from the boat; likely requiring your BCD to be partially inflated before you enter the water. Confirm this and ensure you are both ready. W - Weights - Check for proper weighting, and that the quick release system is clear for ditching. R - Releases - Make sure you're familiar with your buddy's releases and how they work. Check each other's to ensure they are secure, and you can easily find them. A - Air - Yup! You are going to need that! Confirm that you both have ample air for your dive, that your valves are open, and that regulators and alternate air sources are working. Ensure that you both know where to find and how to use each other's alternate air sources. F - Final Okay! Give each other a final inspection looking for out of place equipment, dangling gauges, missing gear, etc. Smile and have a great time! The rest of us left behind are positively GREEN with envy, but look forward to hearing the wonderful scuba diving stories that are sure to follow this trip; please remember everything! Keep a journal! :) One more thing. We have created a Flickr photo album for this Florida trip. It is for any and all to contribute if they wish. Any photos you wish to share will be added to the album for all to see, and fellow divers can download photos as they choose. If you do wish to contribute to the album, I would request that you send me your chosen 5 or 6 pics per day(or whenever, but I can try to keep it updated over the week for our Florida divers to enjoy), and I will add them to the folder at my earliest convenience. Jody will be setting me up an email just for this purpose, so the email address will soon follow. Keep hydrated, and don't drink and dive!
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AuthorsJill Smith Archives
January 2024