PADI Open Water Diver CourseAchieve
OPEN WATER SCUBA CERTIFICATION in 3 parts: 1 eLearning, classroom, and review 2 Pool dives 3 Four Open water dives You may choose to do all of them with us at Adventure Sports, or you may mix and match your training. Packages described below: This course is designed for the student to complete ALL necessary classroom, pool, and open water training with Adventure Sports Newmarket Inc.
*Not included: rental gear packages for Open Water dives. Student packages are available. Please note, all divers should own their own personal scuba-quality mask, fins and snorkel. A personal fit helps to ensure success and maximize enjoyment in the sport! Start your course here and finish it down south!
Designed for students who wish to complete the classroom & pool sessions with us at Adventure Sports Newmarket, and finish the course by completing the 4 required open water dives on their vacation*! Included:
Please Note: Open water dives must be completed with a PADI Dive Shop, and all divers should own their own personal scuba-quality mask, fins and snorkel. E-Learning is not required (this package includes in-class instruction). Designed for students that have completed all PADI eLearning (paid for with PADI separately), and now require the pool and open water dives only.
*Student rental gear packages are available for open water dives. Please note, all divers should own their own personal scuba-quality mask, fins and snorkel. *eLearning classroom portion must be completed with PADI prior to pool and open water diving. ![]() Designed for Students that have completed all of the classroom instruction (or PADI E-Learning) and required pool dives, and only need to complete the four open water dives.
*Student rental gear packages are available for open water dives. Please note, all divers should own their own personal scuba-quality mask, fins and snorkel. *Students are required to provide their own mask, fins, snorkel and boots for any & all of the course packages. It is mandatory that this equipment is scuba quality and personally fitted. We sell these items individually at our dive shop, and offer a package that includes the 4 items for students that do not currently own their own.
![]() Medical Form:
Download and fill out medical statement; bring to your first Open Water Class (Link Below). If you must answer YES to any of the medical questions, the form must also be signed by a doctor. ![]()